Südsteiermark – A wide range of grape varieties

The diverse topography and geology of Südsteiermark is home to ten grape varieties or more

Hardly any other wine-growing region has vineyards located at so widely different elevations and with such differing characteristics. In addition, Südsteiermark boasts of a large spectrum of soil formations, millions of years old and composed of lime, gravel, sand, or marl.

Each vineyard has its own location-specific properties, which is why a whole range of grape varieties are cultivated here.

Our own varieties have been grown here for 200 years or more. We know their needs in terms of soil, vineyard orientation, and climate and choose the best varietal for each vineyard block. Our Nussberg site, for example, is composed of a good 20 different blocks, spread out over only 12 hectares of ground. Is the grapevine rooted in sand or lime, on a soil that is scarce or rich in nutrients? Is the vineyard situated in a protected bowl-shaped location or in one with good air drainage?

Each wine tells the story of its origin.

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